Moría de ganas de comer la típica Chocotorta argentina con Chocolinas y dulce de leche/queso blanco... y luego de pensar y pensar cómo podía reemplazarla se me ocurrió una idea: hice una "Chocotorta" con galletitas de chocolate y Philadelphia de Chocolate. No quedó igual, pero el saborcito del queso blanco con chocolate engañaron bastante a mi antojo... Quién me manda dulce de leche??
(la foto corresponde a lo que quedaba al mediodía)
I was dying to eat the typical argentinian Chocotorta, made with Chocolinas cookies and dulce de leche/cream cheese... and after thinking and thinking how to replace it, I had an idea: I did a "Chocotorta" with chocolate cookies and Chocolate Philadelphia. It was not exactly the same, but the amazing taste of the cream cheese with the chocolate could trick my whim... Who can send me some dulce de leche?
(the picture is what was left at noon)
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